How should I allocate spend across marketing channels like TV and paid search? If you’re managing a company’s marketing budget, this may be the most essential question to maximize profit or revenue given limited spend. There’s three typical ways to answer it scientifically: Top down: take all of your data...
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What Worked at Wayfair
And how to build a money printing machine
In four years as a search marketer, I built - in collaboration with my team of analysts and our partners in data science, ad tech, and storefront - $87 million of annualized, incremental revenue for Wayfair. Molto bene! Here are three frameworks that I used to pick bets and execute...
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Painting With DALL·E
DALL-E is spectacular. I’ve been using it to make everything from abstract inspiration for acrylic paintings to my favorite Nintendo characters reimagined as renaissance era royalty. But creating great AI art takes more than a button press: you also need a well-engineered prompt. In this article, I’ll give my advice...
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Banana Data Podcast
Teaching a Machine to Read Pitchfork
This week I built a classifier that determines whether Pitchfork’s album reviews qualify for “Best New Music” based on the review text. I rely pretty heavily on Pitchfork to find new music and better understand what I’m listening to, and analyzing the results of this classifier helped me investigate a...
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